
100wc 7

I was trig trig I woke up, but something felt weird anyways I went on with my day. So later on my day I started streaming BTW. I was streaming some fork-knife I started playing fours with my friends Tofu, Nunja and Egg Boy so we loaded in and I immediately died so did Nunja and Nunja immediately reported the player “stream sniping” so did I. Then I got a 100,000 dollars from MRBeast and says if I win the next game he would donate $1,000,000, I died. I was so cross that evening.

100 wc6

Empty Hello my name is Bobert Cholesterol and this is how I got scammed on Emazon. So there I was just having weird weekend like I do sometimes I was scrolling Emazon. Then I saw these shoes that I liked and then I immediately added them to cart and ordered them. 4 Days later something arrives it has my name on the package Bobert Cholesterol then I think these must be my shoes. So I take them inside my house opened the package then the Box was empty. What a surprise I realized these shoes were $150 I was shook….

100 wc5

Ladder incident So there I was just being my regular self, just like a regular kid . But then I thought that I wanted to go to my roof. So I went and got my red ladder I was up on the roof and the pavement was still drying from when we painted it purple, I had a bunch of coins in my pocket and I was wearing my yoozy’s the most expensive shoe I own and then in a rush not trying to get my yoozy’s ruined all, the coins fell out my pocket and started sinking in the pavement.

100wc 4

Vinegar Disaster So there I was, I decided to go to my room and get all my money that I had collected, I wanted to go to the Trader Jeffs and get some salt and vinegar chips. I got my handy dandy scooter and scootered all the way to Trader Jeffs. I got the chips and went back home. As I got home I busted open the bag of chips and took one chip and threw the chip in my mouth as soon as the chip touched my tongue I spit  the chip out my mouth and yelled the vinegar was too sharp…..

100 wc3

Hello my name is Cholesterol Vitamin , I was a boi like you once [or girl] I was just riding my scooter once and I was scootering by a big wall, I had my favorite teddy bear in my hand while riding my scooter. Little did I know when I scootered into the wall I threw my teddy bear way out into the distance without anybody knowing. I rushed inside not caring about myself but caring about my bear I told my grandpa he was just grateful I was alive. Then I was crying for hours but my mom didn’t care…..

100 wc 2

Making my way downtown So there I was riding my scooter, making my way downtown then I took a hard left my scooter went ddduuuuurrrrrr but it was completely out of tune so it went like ddduuuuurrrrrruuuu I almost fell of my scooter. I scootered as fast as I could back to my house told my mom. She asked me what I was doing downtown, I told her that I was going to get tacos and hot cheetos at a tacoria and a Welmart. She said who was going to pay I said all the money in my piggy bank…

100 word challenge round 1

Storm Hello my name is Jemith. I was on the fringe of our island, I was wearing a freshly washed black and purple shirt. I was cooking a sunny side up egg and toast. But then I suddenly realized that the lights were flickering inside my house, I panicked cause I thought the power would go out. I went out onto the beach more commonly known as north beach because it was on the north side of the island. I caught up with some of my friend Jemma she said that she heard that there was going to be a storm...