

Soccer is enjoyable even though our coach pushes us to our limits, he makes us sprint the field and if we mess up he gets triggered. Sometimes I want to quit but that’s just bad sportsmanship. We get mad when we lose to atrocious teams and then our coach gets angry at us cause we didn’t deliver our best but then on our next game we try our hardest. If we beat the other team we try to be modest but we can’t lie. Soccers a tough sport, you need to be skillful but also physical.

Soccer is the best sport [in my opinion] sometimes I play dreadfully but sometimes I play beautifully. Soccer is tough and that is the message I wanted to spread because a lot of people think soccer is an easy you just kick a ball you don’t need any actual talent but you need to be strong, fast, dedicated and most importantly you need to accept that you’re never the best, you always have room to improve.

Soccer is a tough sport but the main message I want to spread about soccer is that it's not easy. A lot of people think that soccer is just kicking a ball but you need to be dedicated, strong, fast and most importantly driven.

What do you think about soccer?


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